Самые рейтинговые новости
      3D: Betty for Genesis 8 Female
      Автор: wertyozka |
      4 ноябрь 2017 |
      Просмотров: 656 |
      Комментарии (0)
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      Betty for Genesis 8 Female

      Betty for Genesis 8 Female
      DAZ | 230 Mb

      Betty is a high-quality American Anime Character for Genesis 8 Female.
      The head and body for Betty are sculpted in Zbrush + 3dsmax, and the skin was created
      using high-quality photo then retouch up for final anime textures. She also comes with
      custom sculpted longer nails as well as longer lashes that can be dialed to your desire.
      The skinny Figure required custom JCM for hip, elbows, and shoulders and also the big
      beautiful eyes have morph fixes for blinking and winking at her audience.
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      Блок использует технологию Flash.
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      требуется более новая версия
      Adobe Flash Player.

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